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  • Writer's picturedohrari

How Crystals can Help you Find your 'Zen'

Three words that constantly come to mind now are:

  1. Uncertainty

  2. Unknown

  3. Unease

During this time where, we don’t really know what could happen— with this virus, with the world etc… There are very few things in my life that feel solid.

And if you're a Taurus with an ascendant Virgo like me, that means that you are really struggling with the dramatic changes, chaos, and inconsistencies of Life right now. It also does not help that my moon is in Sagittarius… so my emotions are all over the place!

One thing that has quite literally grounded me during this time is crystals.

I’ve been really into collecting and using crystals for a good 3 years now. I came across them from my natural love and affinity for nature. I’ve always loved digging in the dirt and exploring.

Crystals and minerals have a ton of helpful traits that can help balance your emotions— when shopping for crystals some practically jump out at me, seeming to shout “take me home!”

Crystals have metaphysical properties that can help in a myriad of ways, I’m going to skip over all the super dense stuff and just give a quick list of crystals that I’ve been drawn to in these uncertain times. I do have a book on crystals called: The Book of Stones who they are and what they teach by Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, which I HIGHLY recommend if you want to learn more about crystals.

Anyway, here are the list of crystals: Alphabetized

Agate Geode: for good luck, protection, spiritual growth & reduces negativity

Amazonite: boosts self-awareness & courage

Amethyst: for protection & purification

Aragonite: for grounding & connecting to earth

Chalcedony: nurturing & promotes overall generosity

Citrine: for luck

Clear Quartz: for study & clarity

Fluorite: helps focus & clear the mind

Iolite: for expressing your true self & understanding

Laminar: peace, clarity & love

Lapis Lazuli: for respect & compassion within ourselves

Smoky Quartz: for concentration & focus

Spirit Quartz: for boosting confidence & self-worth

Tourmalinated Quartz: stimulates immune health & balance

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